Thursday, April 20, 2006

MVP 06 and Ranting

This NCAA Baseball game is really cool. Everything is done with the analog sticks, and it works pretty well. The only problem is, when you are fielding a grounder, sometimes you tap down on the stick accidentally, and throw home. Your boy gets charged with an error and you pull some on your hair out in frustration. So far, in my dynasty, the Robert Lee Steers are 4-2, and are ranked 61 in the nation. We took Kansas State's spot in the Big XII. No one will miss 'em.

Regional tennis is next week. I will bring my Palm Pilot and keyboard, and blog some of what is going on. You know, hard-hitting, up to the minute stuff. Of course, it will be delayed until I get an internet connection, but, nonetheless, when I write it, it will be live.

I read a link today about really high gas prices in NYC. One lady was interviewed and said about the station charging the high price "It's not these guys' fault, it's the oil companies, this war in Iraq, and this President. This is capitalism at its most perverse." Only a crazy liberal could say such a thing. If we were allowed to drill for oil in a desolate area of Alaska, then we wouldn't be dependent on OPEC nations. But of course, tree-hugger liberals won't allow that to happen. Perverse capitalism? She wouldn't understand capitalism if it bit her on the butt.

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